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Foods for Fall

Let the transition from luscious fruits to heartier more grounding foods for this Autumn season ahead be a smooth and gradual one.

There is a reason why we crave a crisp salad for spring, a rush of sugar from juicy fruits for summer, and piping hot soups for fall and winter. We can thank the temperature, change of color in nature, and the activity level that surrounds us.

Seasonal eating not only nourishes what your body truly needs, but it also allows your body to keep in sync with your environment. This is the best way to feed the mind, body, and soul.

So what's on the menu for this coming fall?

  • Apples

  • Pears

  • Persimmon

  • Beets

  • Carrots

  • Chard

  • Cranberries

How can you incorporate this to your on-the-go scheduale?

  1. Switch up your daily smoothie for a warming bowl of oatmeal pumpkin, dates and cinnamon

  2. Roast your root veggies! Carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, and brocooli are all great options for dinner or a side dish. Chop them all up, throw them onto a cookie tray, spin the dial to 450 degrees, and bake for 45 minutes! No oil needed, just make sure you're using parchment paper.

  3. Add some spice! Cardamom, cinnamon, turmeric, and cayenne are all great options to add warmth to you dishes without the extra calories.

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